The SMPA Strategic Objectives

Every three years, the SMPA Board uses a strategic planning process to align organizational direction with the mission, vision and core values of SMPA.
SMPA's democratic governance depends upon the Board Representatives bringing their individual and regional concerns and perspectives to the table. Throughout a two-day session in July of 2023, the representatives met in person. Working with a consultant, they reviewed the cooperative's strategic direction in a variety of fields. These resulting objectives serve as guidance for all the cooperative's activities and projects.
The Strategic Objectives of San Miguel Power Association
Strategic Objective: To promote our safety culture through training and continual reinforcement, while instilling ownership and accountability within every employee.
Commitment Statement: Safety is, above all else, SMPA’s #1 core value, and we are committed to ensuring the safety of our employees, members, and the public.
People & Culture
Strategic Objective: To strengthen our positive work culture and environment to best support, encourage, and develop employees to maximize performance and efficiency while retaining and attracting top talent.
Member Engagement & Education
Strategic Objective: To provide education and tools that maximize the benefits of our members’ relationship with SMPA.
Strategic Objective: To leverage technology that maximizes internal efficiencies and enhances the members’ experience while protecting our electronic assets.
Power Supply | Rates | Financial
Strategic Objective: To determine if our existing power supply contract best achieves SMPA’s Mission while providing the financial and contractual flexibility necessary to meet our members’ needs.
Reliability and Resiliency
Strategic Objective: To ensure the ongoing reliability and resiliency of our power supply infrastructure while supporting our communities’ overall resiliency efforts. Optimize the use of technology and strategic partnerships, with a focus on wildfire mitigation.
With the Strategic Objectives officially adopted, SMPA key staff, then breaks each one down into component initiatives. They designate the project timelines and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) based upon industry experience and established best practices. Staff then gives progress reports at board meetings every three months.
View the Board Meeting Agendas to plan for the next report.
2020 to 2023 Objectives
We’re fortunate to have a group who can examine these issues while respecting each other and committing to the best interests of the cooperative and its members.
Rube Felicelli, SMPA Board President