Outage Center

Outage Information Here

Outages happen for a variety of reasons. Methods of restoration must be equally varied.

Current Outages

Power Outage Alerts / Updates

POWER RESTORED: The power outage in Gypsum Valley / Groundhog is over. Work crews restored power at 7:05 PM.

Updates on power outages that affect more than 50 SMPA members for longer than 60 minutes will be posted to Facebook


Update information may also be repeated here or in an alert banner at the top of every smpa.com web page.


What do you do when the lights go out? See this section and you'll know you're not alone. Learn what tools SMPA offers to keep you informed while our crews are working to bring back the power.

Reporting an Outage

Reporting a Power Outage

Outage Call icon in front of Service Rep taking a call


To report a power outage, call:
(970) 864-7311 or
(970) 626-5549.

If it is after business hours you will be directed to SMPA's 24-hour dispatch service.

Report Issue button on SmartHub App

You can also report an outage from your SmartHub app.  Touch "Report an Issue/Inquiry" from the Home Screen.

Outage Texts through SmartHub

Want Outage Updates via Text?

Smartphone icon over a woman's hands accessing inforrmation on her smartphone.SmartHub Logo

One of the most convenient ways to get information about ongoing power outages is to have Outage Updates sent directly to your smart device.  To set this up, follow three main steps:

  1. Set up SmartHub on your web browser or smart device.
  2. Tell SmartHub how to reach you.
  3. Tell SmartHub what messages to send.

See below for step-by-step web and mobile instructions.

County Emergency Alert

CodeRED Emergency Notifications

CodeRED Logo

San Miguel Power recommends that residents of San Miguel and Ouray counties subscribe to their county's wireless emergency notification and CODERED systems. San Miguel Power works closely with these counties to share information during major power outages. However, please be aware San Miguel Power cannot guarantee you will receive outage information via these notification systems.

Being prepared will make
future outages much easier.

FEMA Preparation Guide

Being Prepared for a Power Outage

Outage Preparedness Document

Extended power outages may impact the whole community and the economy. Take an Active Role in Your Safety, by following this guide to outage preparedness.

You can also go to Ready.gov and search for power outage, or download the FEMA app to get more information about preparing for a power outage.

Portable Generator Safety

Using Portable Generators Safely

Generator Safety Report


Portable generators made for household use can provide temporary power to a few appliances or lights. Use a portable generator only when necessary, and only to power essential equipment. Be sure to use your generator correctly. Follow the advice in this guide.


If you should lose power, be assured we're working as quickly as possible to get your lights back on.

SMPA Operations

Outage Restoration

Outages occur for a number of reasons. In the event of a large or wide-spread outage, we prioritize repairs in order to get the largest number of members back on first.

First, we check and repair any damaged transmission lines. These are the lines that bring power to our electrical system.

Equipment or line repairs at substations will be done next in order to transfer power from transmission lines to the main distribution lines throughout our service area.

After the substations are repaired, we turn our attention to our main distribution lines, and then to tap lines, which carry electricity from the main distribution lines to smaller groups of members.
Once all distribution lines and tap lines are repaired, we begin working on service lines, which typically bring power to only one or two locations.

Restoring power during inclement weather or after a large accident can be a big job. SMPA works with a 24-hour, 365 day-a-year dispatch center, so if you should lose power, be assured we're working as quickly as possible to get your lights back on.

SMPA Facebook

Outage Map


Orange Bars

Planned Outages

There are currently two planned power outages:

When: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM (appx. 4 hours)

Area Affected: Ten members along County Road 30.90, including the Nucla water treatment facility

Purpose: To make a necessary pole change while county road work is being done.

When: Thursday, February 13th, 2025
1:00 PM to 6:00 PM (appx. 5 hours)

Area Affected: 25 members on East 10th and Main Streets in Nucla, including the Coop Country Store.

Purpose: To replace a pole and to re-conductor 3 spans of power line.

Outage Kit