SMPA Board of Directors
As a member-owner of SMPA, you have a voice in the direction of the co-op. Each member is represented by a democratically elected representative who is sits on SMPA's Board of Directors. Your director is given the task of representing your needs and interests. Our seven directors, each representing a different district, serve four-year terms and elections are held annually for different districts.
All San Miguel Power Association board meetings are open to the public. Typically the meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 9:30 a.m. However, alternate days are sometimes chosen. Meeting locations may vary. If you have questions regarding an upcoming meeting, please call 970-626-5549.
SMPA Strategic Objectives
Setting the Direction of the Cooperative

Every three years, the SMPA Board uses a strategic planning process to align organizational direction with the mission, vision and core values of SMPA.
Territory: |
Parts of Montrose, San Miguel, Ouray and Dolores Counties including Basin, Bedrock, Naturita, Nucla, Paradox, Redvale, Slick Rock and Uravan. |
Date elected: |
June 2024 |
Offices held: | None At Present |
Occupations: |
In your opinion, what is the best way for SMPA to fulfill its mission of providing safe, reliable, affordable, and environmentally responsible electric service?
As a previous employee of SMPA, especially in the metering department, I had the opportunity to field numerous customer complaints; from flickering lights to high bill complaints and ensuring customers safety concerns. I built SMPA’s high voltage demo and put on training all throughout SMPA’s service territory – fire departments, schools and public events. In simple English, I can explain to SMPA’s members what a KWH is, how the meter works, what the configuration of the overhead pole or underground line is on their property. I’ve built line through out SMPA’s service territory, maintained it and spent many nights and days on outages. I have been on almost every pole in my district performing maintenance. With confidence, I can answer most any question about SMPA’s power system and customer usage.

Mailing Address:
San Miguel Power Association
Attn: Tom Loczy
P.O. Box 1150
Ridgway, CO 81432
(970) 696-4582
Community Involvement or Volunteer Work:
As a long time resident of Nucla and previous business owner in Naturita, I have given thousand of hours in community service back to our community. I have served on our local school board and served on the area’s water system board (Mustang Water). Currently, I volunteer on Montrose County Sheriff’s Posse Search and Rescue and this year hold office as Board Director: In years past, I served as Secretary/Treasurer and as President. I assist our local game warden with his Hunter Safety Class, usually scheduled one week in March. Also, I am employed as Municipal Court Judge in Nucla (one day a month). I am also employed part-time as a hunting guide with Weimer Outfitters. Another volunteer position I perform is Snow Grooming for our local snow mobile club. I am the currant Commander of our local VFW Post 9058, the most important task we perform is Military Burials for our Veterans.
Territory: |
Parts of San Miguel and Ouray Counties including most of the town |
Date elected: |
Elected 4 Year Term June 2019. Reelected in June, 2023 |
Offices held: |
None At Present |
Education: |
Occupations: |

Mailing Address:
San Miguel Power Association
Attn: Kevin Cooney
P.O. Box 1150
Ridgway, CO 81432
(970) 696-4577
Why did you choose to run for the SMPA Board of Directors?
When the previous board representative retired, I decided I could bring my experience in the energy industry to the board and assist SMPA in making strategic decisions regarding how to best transition our power system to a cleaner, more resilient one. I’m a licensed engineer, and have worked on clean energy issues for over 30 years, consulting to utilities, regulators, and investors on policies, programs, and technology investments. My vision is we will have a regional power system that is supplied primarily by local, renewable sources, with tools to help optimize electricity consumption patterns. If we plan wisely, costs will go down for all members, reliability will improve, and emissions will be minimized.
Community Involvement or Volunteer Work:
I lived and worked in Telluride in the late 1970s, managing the local food coop and working as a carpenter. I was fortunate to return to the area a few years ago. I currently serve on local boards for EcoAction Partners and the Telluride Mountain Club. I also continue to serve on various energy industry boards and committees, including: Energy Evaluation Asia Pacific (EEAP) and the International Energy Program/Policy Evaluation Conference (IEPPEC)
Territory: |
Parts of Montrose, San Miguel, Ouray, Dolores and San Juan Counties |
Date elected: |
June 2010 / Re-Elected June 2014 / Re-Elected June 2018 / Re-Elected June 2022 |
Offices held: |
None At Present |
Education: |
Norwood High School, Automotive School in Denver |
Occupations: |
Why did you choose to run for the SMPA Board of Directors?:
A very large portion of SMPA members were not being represented. My family was a member in the very beginning of SMPA and will continue to be one well into the future. I feel I need to help make good, common-sense decisions now, so my family won't have to pay for rushed concepts in the future.
Community Involvement or Volunteer Work:
- Norwood School Board, 13 years
- Farmer's Water Development, 6 years

Mailing Address:
San Miguel Power Association
Attn: Dave Alexander
P.O. Box 1150
Ridgway, CO 81432
(970) 696-4568
Territory: |
Parts of Montrose, Ouray and San Miguel Counties including Colona and |
Date elected: |
June 2020 / Reelected in June, 2024 |
Offices held: |
None at present |
Leadership Experience: |
Telluride R-1 School Board, San Miguel County |
Occupation: |
Telluride Real Estate Corp., Vice President and Broker Associate |
In your opinion, what is the best way for SMPA to fulfill its mission of providing safe, reliable, affordable, and environmentally responsible electric service?
This is an exciting and dynamic time in the power industry. We're swiftly moving away from fossil fuel sources toward rapidly improving renewable energy and storage technologies. If SMPA is strategically positioned, we can benefit from this necessary and inevitable transition. In doing so, we must also manage disruption to vulnerable members of our community. I believe SMPA's mission calls for the co-op to lead our community boldly through this transition, and I believe if we do so, we can secure cleaner, more affordable, and equally reliable power for our members.

Mailing Address:
San Miguel Power Association
Attn: Toby Brown
P.O. Box 1150
Ridgway, CO 81432
(970) 696-4563
Community Involvement or Volunteer Work:
A real estate agent by trade, I also have a history of community leadership with the Telluride R-1 School Board and San Miguel County, among others. Through these endeavors, I have exercised leadership and strategic planning skills in community-wide initiatives. I am committed to helping shape the sustainable future of this region and believe SMPA will play a critical role in that mission.
Territory: |
Part of San Miguel County including Mountain Village and Ophir |
Date elected: |
June 2009/ Re-Elected June 2013/ Re-Elected June 2017 / Re-Elected June 2021 |
Offices held: |
Education: |
BA Political Science, Wheeling Jesuit University; graduate work |
Occupations: |
Why did you choose to run to the SMPA Board of Directors?
To represent our members and move towards renewable energy programs.
Community Involvement or Volunteer Work:
- Board President for Telluride Council for Arts & Humanities
- Board member for San Miguel Bicycle Alliance
- Volunteer for Habitat for Humanity
- Mountainfilm and Telluride Film Festival volunteer
- Telluride Jazz Festival volunteer
- Announcer for Mountain Village Sunset Concert Series

Mailing Address:
San Miguel Power Association
Attn: Rube Felicelli
P.O. Box 1150
Ridgway, CO 81432
(970) 696-4551
Territory: |
Part of Ouray County including Ridgway and much of Log Hill Mesa. |
Date elected: |
Appointed, May, 2024 |
Offices held: |
None at present |
Leadership Experience: |
Formerly a Principal & Senior Staff System Engineer & Senior Project Leader/Architect & Atmospheric & Renewable Energy Staff Scientist of approximately 37 years. |
Education: |
University of Pennsylvania University of Colorado Pennsylvania State University |
Occupations: |
Positions included: Principal Engineer / Requirements Manager, System Engineer, Senior Staff Project Architect, Lead Project Engineer, Renewable Resource Assessment Scientist Currently: Retired, highly active in volunteer community organizations:

Mailing Address:
San Miguel Power Association
Attn: Val Szwarc
P.O. Box 1150
Ridgway, CO 81432
(970) 696-4550
In your opinion, what is the best way for SMPA to fulfill its mission of providing safe, reliable, affordable, and environmentally responsible electric service?
Transition to the partial generation suppliers for a share of SMPA’s member requirements that offer lower wholesale rates with a larger percentage of renewable resources, plus reliable service, and flexible contracts that allows increasing integration of renewable sources at the local level. Consider innovative net meter policies that are consistent to state requirements and that promote policies that encourage the integration of technologies to mitigate some of the temporal issues of renewable generation. Continue with the rollout of TOU rate structure that matches billing to SMPA costs. In my opinion, TOU rates are important to SMPA’s financial health, and I applaud SMPA’s education campaign and their Member Services Transition Plan to address member concerns during the transition next year.
Community Involvement or Volunteer Work:
I am very active in the local community and have served and am currently serving on several non-profit Boards of Directors / Officer positions. Among these are: the Ridgway-Ouray Community Council (ROCC), and the local Dark Sky Committee. I have consulted with several communities within SMPA’s service area providing suggestions to their lighting ordnances to be Dark Sky friendly and have led the collaboration between ROCC, Top of the Pines, and the Ouray County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) in obtaining a Dark Sky Park certification for TOP (2021). Plus, ROCC and I collaborated with the Town of Ridgway in obtaining the Town’s Dark Sky certification in 2020.
Territory: |
Parts of Hinsdale, Montrose, Ouray, San Juan and San Miguel Counties |
Date elected: |
June 2013/ Re-Elected June 2017 / Re-Elected June 2021 |
Offices held: |
San Juan County Commissioner 20 years; Housing Solutions for Southwest |
Education: |
Graduated from Silverton Public High School in 1973 |
Occupations: |
Foreman for Maisel Excavation, Heavy Equipment Operator |
Why did you choose to run to the SMPA Board of Directors?
To do my best. To make sure everyone in SMPA co-op has the best price on electricity. And to make sure all linemen and other employees are in the safest environment possible.
Community Involvement or Volunteer Work:
- Silverton Volunteer Fire Dept., Hardrockers Holiday Committee since 1978

Mailing Address:
San Miguel Power Association
Attn: Terry Rhoades
P.O. Box 1150
Ridgway, CO 81432
(970) 696-4530
Meeting Dates and Agendas
See Upcoming Board Meetings and Register to Attend

We welcome all member-owners to attend our monthly board meetings.
Meetings are held at 9:30 a.m. unless otherwise noted. Final meeting locations will be filled in once they are confirmed.
Please Note: Board Meetings are also being held in virtual space via videoconference technology. If you are interested in participating by phone, please call 1-877-864-7311.
Meeting Minutes
Review Previous Board Meetings
San Miguel Power is required to post all board meeting minutes on our website for at least six months after board approval. The SMPA Board Meeting minutes Archive gives you access to past reports, motions, discussions, and actions taken by the San Miguel Power Association Board of Directors.